Life in Lyon: Settling in as a Family

Bonjour, mes amis, from Lyon! it's been seven years since I was last in this city. It's wonderful to be back and to see Lyon looking vibrant with its squares and monuments restored. Because it's August, many residents are on vacation and tourists have taken their place, but still, the city just shines with its lovely architecture and views. Maybe it also shimmers because of the heat--It was 35-39 degrees Celcius all last week (95-102 degrees F) until a weekend thunderstorm rolled in and brought relief.

My husband ran the 100m dash this last week in the World Masters track meet--I'm so proud of him, and impressed that he ran it in 11.74 seconds despite the scorching heat! He'll long jump this week as well. The Masters' meets are open to non-professional adult athletes age 35 or older with an official mark to submit. Participants compete against others in a five-year age range. A few days ago, for example, I watched a a group of 85-90 year old women from around the world run the 100m, and they looked amazingly fit. It's so inspiring!

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Tips for Choosing Family Lodging in Paris

We're certainly not the only family headed to France soon--an article in The Wall Street Journal last week announced that Europe is bracing for record numbers of visitors this summer, largely due to the favorable dollar/euro exchange rate. Nonetheless, I think Audrey Hepburn would agree that even when traveling as a family during the height of tourist season, Paris is always a good idea. Over the past five years, the amount of home and apartment rentals online has grown exponentially, making it simpler to find an affordable and accommodating space for your family. Here's what you should know if you're looking for family lodging in Paris:

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Predictions, Patience, and Peace in 2015

I'm predicting some changes for our family in 2015--good changes, but startlingly big. There's the little one who's due date is today. (Whenever you're ready, little one, we'd love to meet you!). There's a summer-long stay in France that may extend into autumn if I stay a few weeks longer with our children. And once we're all home, we may begin building a house if God opens the door to some land that we'd like to purchase. All of these changes hold so much hope! Just knowing that they are possible reminds me that we are extravagantly blessed beyond anything we deserve.

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A New Heartbeat in Our Home (cue the fireworks!)

Bonjour, les amis! If you are American, happy Fourth of July! This has always been one of my favorite holidays. I am glad to be American, but what I enjoy most about this holiday is the chance to enjoy time outdoors with friends and family. When I was a child, my parents always organized a parade and games for the neighborhood, and the day always ended with a fireworks show put on by neighbors or the city. My parents still plan neighborhood events every Fourth of July, so my husband and I will take our children there to participate today before heading to a friend's home with an amazing view of a fireworks show in the Columbia Gorge.

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Three Podcasts Worth Listening to This Summer: Family, Travel, & Culture

July is here! Does your family's summer rhythm (or lack thereof) feel comfortable yet? Summer in my household means that dishes and laundry pile up, but in contrast, we have a lot of fun as a family and I'm able to finish long-awaited projects like completing my son's baby album and planning next summer's trips. Hopefully you, too, have more time on your hands--time to read, play, and listen. Here are five intriguing podcasts that I've been enjoying while driving or tackling those dishes this summer:

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Eyes Wide Open: What Children See & Recognize

My five-year-old daughter and I sat in blinding sunlight yesterday and read a picture book that deeply impacted me. The Man With the Violin follows the story of little Dylan, who notices many things that his mother doesn't. One day he hears a musician in the subway playing beautiful violin music, and though he wants to stop and listen, his mama rushes him on. There's more to the story, since it's based on this American cultural experiment:

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May Day & Lily of the Valley: Bringing Happiness to Others

On May 1st in France, you'll see le muguet (Lily of the Valley) sold everywhere on the city streets--more than 50 million stems of its blooms are bought in France each May Day to give to friends and neighbors. The tradition dates to the Renaissance, when Charles IX offered it to those around him as porte-bonheur--to bring good luck and happiness. The flower is also a favorite for spring wedding bouquets, having been chosen by Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn (in her wedding to Andrea Dotti and in Funny Face), and Kate Middleton.

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